The union of scientific knowledge, design, alchemy, education and nature is the right recipe!

Paints, dyes and vegetable pigments produced from materials with low socio-environmental impact offer a sustainable and less toxic alternative for the textile, packaging, cosmetics and toy sectors.
As a spin-off from the Sustainable Design Agency Zebu Mídias (2010) I was able to experiment with numerous applications. I printed Heineken packaging with cocoa ink; I developed colorants for shampoo, liquid soap and perfumes for Natura, among many other projects. It's been more than 10 years with biotechnological experience.
In communication and design campaigns I made inks from the leftover of brownies from Luiz's Brownie and olive paints for Gallo Azeite. I printed packaging, furniture, business cards, skateboards, eco-bags and even art replicas.
In 2014, I made the packaging for the official FIFA World Cup gifts with cinnamon ink and participated in the São Paulo Motor Show, composing the interior panels of Peugeot's sustainability concept car with cocoa inks printed on bamboo laminates.
In 2016 I won the Business and Biodiversity National Challenge, organized by the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection, in partnership with the National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises (Anprotec). I also joined Coppe's Business Incubator, located in the Technological Park of UFRJ.
In 2017 I created a crowdfunding and raised around R$50,000.00 to apply in laboratory studies. I launched the first version of the paints in pots with colors of annatto, cocoa and turmeric. The pigments were selected based on criteria that took into account the chromatic aspects, Brazilian biodiversity and regional availability.
In 2018 I was considered 1st place in the Shell Acceleration Program for Youth Initiatives, and elected the 3rd most attractive company in the category of "materials" among startups across the country by Ranking 100 Open Startups. In 2019 I was in the TOP10 of biotechnology :)
Continuing the scientific studies, I enrolled and was approved in projects, such as: FAPERJ No. 06/2019 - Program "Support for the Insertion of Researchers in Companies - 2019" and FAPERJ No. 18/2019 - Program "Support for Innovation in Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises in the State of Rio de Janeiro Inovação RIO".